Friday, August 7, 2009

Famous Person Who I Most Admire

Mother Teresa de of Calcuta. She was born in 1910. Her religious Albanian, nationalized Indian. Being however a girl, entry the Mariana Congregation of the Daughters of Maria. Is most admit for me, because begin her activity of attendance to the most needed people. To the eighteen years traveled to Dublin for profess in the Congregation of Our Mrs. of Loreto. Also she was teacher in the St. Mary's High School de Calcutta until 1948, in this year obtained the authorization of Rome to dedicate to the apostolate in favor of the poor people. The Mother Teresa it’s very famous in many countries, also founded the Congregation of the Misioneras of the Charity. Some awards, the Mother Teresa de Calcuta received the award of the Foundation Kennedy, and the Nobel award of La Paz, and award economic give donated the poor people. Many people remember the Mother Teresa for the importance and the poor people, is remember because was a good person in your life. In conclusion, the Mother Teresa is an example for many people.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

My belief

My belief is the religion. My family and me are Roman Catholic. My parents remember when I was a child these all Sundays I went to the church and actually I go to the church all the Sundays with my family. My parents teach me many values and one the most important is the religion and give thanks a God for the life, love and gratitude. This belief the learn of my family and I am very happy when I go to the church. I think this belief for some American people is similar.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Favorite Gift

One favorite gift that I received is a teddy monkey his name is daddy. This gift is important for me, because is one present the my brother. He give me this gift in Chritmas and is my favorite teddy monkey and I have with my daddy 8 years ago, always nights my daddy sleep with me. This gift is favorite because is very special and is really very soft. I like it my daddy! =D

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Good Student

A good student should have three important qualities. First, the studious is important because the student must study sufficient for the tests of all the subjects. Second, a good student needs to be very responsible. For example, to be punctual is his classes and to bring the homework when the teacher requests them, also arrived early at class. Finally, the student must have discipline this is very important to be the best of the students. To summarize, a good student is that study a lot, and has responsibility and that is disciplined.

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Seasons

The seasons of the year in my country are four; spring, summer, fall, and winter. The first season is spring this season begin in March 21 the weather is warm and sometimes raining during three months the special for this season is that schools specially kinder garden have a parade and the children wear the flowers, animals, etc. The second season is summer begin in June 21 the weather is very hot during two months in this season many families go to the beach or camping. The third season is fall begin in September 23 the weather is warm and sometimes wind. Finally is the winter begin in December 21 the weather is cold and during three months in this season is special because celebrate Christmas and New Year. My favorite season is spring because many gardens look very beautiful.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Favorite Holiday

My favorite holiday is Christmas. The Mexican Traditions for Christmas is an important and religious holiday. It is a celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus. In Mexico the people prepare for the day of symbolic commemoration; for example, the “Posadas” and in the night have a dinner before the 24 of December the “Noche Buena”.
These “Posadas” are an act of “Los Peregrinos: San José y la Virgen María” in this celebration each family in a neighborhood, will schedule a night for the “Posada” to be in their home where the people prayer and after have dinner the most common food is tamales with hot chocolate, the “Posadas” starting on the 16th of December and finishing on the 24th on “Noche Buena”.
Some people for the children will be a “Piñata”, it is filled with peanuts, oranges, sugar canes, and candies. In “Noche Buena” December 24, everybody goes to “Misa de Noche Buena” is at midnight. After the Mass, everyone goes to their homes to have dinner with family, and most important of all to place the Baby Jesus in the manger in the Nativity.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My city

Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico is a big and wonderful city.
The place that recommend is The Santa Lucia Stroll you have see many places and it has an approximated extension of 2 Kilometers begins from the Esplanade of the Heroes to the Fundidora Park, in the passage is observed a beautiful landscape with 22 sources, illumination and beautiful gardens has a dimension of 1,10 meters of depth and one capacity of 44 thousand cubic meters of water, it has many green areas is a place of familiar. In this place also, is observed sculptures, murals of artists of the city, bridges and diverse tourist areas. The stroll can be traverse on foot or in a boat. The small boats have capacity of 20 to 40 people. It initiates his route in the street Dr. Coss, to the east of Macroplaza, in the Place 400 years where they are located the Museum of the Palace of Government, the Museum of Mexican History and the Museum of the Northeast. The route extends until the east until arriving at the Felix U. Gomez Avenue; in that continuous the route until the great lake of the Fundidora Park. In this place have restaurants and you could typical food for example carne asada is delicious, the people are very friendly in this city.
You can fun in Monterrey! =)