Mother Teresa de of Calcuta. She was born in 1910. Her religious Albanian, nationalized Indian. Being however a girl, entry the Mariana Congregation of the Daughters of Maria. Is most admit for me, because begin her activity of attendance to the most needed people. To the eighteen years traveled to Dublin for profess in the Congregation of Our Mrs. of Loreto. Also she was teacher in the St. Mary's High School de Calcutta until 1948, in this year obtained the authorization of Rome to dedicate to the apostolate in favor of the poor people. The Mother Teresa it’s very famous in many countries, also founded the Congregation of the Misioneras of the Charity. Some awards, the Mother Teresa de Calcuta received the award of the Foundation Kennedy, and the Nobel award of La Paz, and award economic give donated the poor people. Many people remember the Mother Teresa for the importance and the poor people, is remember because was a good person in your life. In conclusion, the Mother Teresa is an example for many people.
I appreciate Mere Theresa about her work